What Are the Steps Involved in Mediation for a Personal Injury Claim?

Personal Injury Mediation

When it comes to personal injury disputes, people often contemplate intense legal battles in courtrooms, with lawyers arguing their cases passionately before the judge and jury! However, besides court trials, various other alternatives are available to resolve these disputes peacefully. One of which is Mediation, offering a less adversarial and more collaborative approach to resolving…

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What Are My Legal Rights If Someone Hit My Car While Parked?

So, you’re in the shopping mall, spending a perfect day out with your friends, and everything’s going great until you reach the parking area and discover that someone has damaged your car’s taillight and bumper while it was parked. If you’re fortunate, you might find a small note attached to your car’s mirror containing the…

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Who Is Liable for Injuries in a Rental Car Accident?

Rental Car Accident

Rental cars are predominantly known for offering the convenience and freedom to go wherever you want. Additionally, they allow you to explore varied destinations or fulfill daily needs. But what if you have an accident in a rental car? Or if a rental car driven by another person collides with you? The first question that…

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What Are My Rights If I Was Hit by a Drunk Driver?

Drunk Driver

Accidents are inevitable when you are on the road. No matter how cautiously you drive, you can’t expect the same duty of care from other drivers. According to the research, 3 out of 10 accident cases are triggered by driving under intoxication. Drinking and driving is considered illegal in all states. While even a small…

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What Evidence Do I Need for a Strong Motorcycle Crash Lawsuit?

What Evidence Do I Need for a Strong Motorcycle Crash Lawsuit

You’re entitled to seek compensation for injuries and damages if you get into a motorcycle accident. However, irrespective of any accident, proving the other party’s accountability is critical to seeking desired compensation. For that, you need to have relevant and strong evidence against the at-fault party to pursue a motorcycle accident lawsuit. But what evidence…

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What Should I Expect During the Legal Process of a Bicycle Accident Claim?

What Should I Expect During the Legal Process of a Bicycle Accident Claim

Bicycle is a prominent mode of transportation and recreation! However, despite all precautions, accidents inevitably happen, leaving you with severe injuries, expensive medical bills, and lost wages. After experiencing devastating injuries incurred from the bicycle accident, you may find it challenging to contend with the aftermath. But you don’t have to navigate the complex process…

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How Does Your Driving Record Affect Your Car Crash Claim?

How Does Your Driving Record Affect Your Car Crash Claim

No matter how responsibly and prudently you drive on the road, accidents happen when we least expect them. It doesn’t mean if you’re driving cautiously and adhering to the road regulations, the other drivers will also follow the same pattern while on the road. Unfortunately, if you get into an accident because of the other…

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What Evidence is Needed to Support Wrongful Death Damages?

Wrongful Death Damages

Losing someone beloved is a traumatic ordeal, leaving you with emotional and mental distress. However, while nothing can replace the presence and significance of a person you lost, seeking compensation for wrongful death can help you recover the financial losses incurred from your beloved’s demise. Wrongful death refers to the instance wherein the actions or…

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Being Sued for Car Accident- What Can They Take?

Being Sued for Car Accident What Can They Take

Car accidents are highly traumatic experiences that come with disturbing long-term effects, especially if you get dragged into legal matters afterward. It is, therefore, essential to understand how the legal system works and the possible follow-ups in such scenarios to safeguard your assets and rights. As we consider the risks involved, it is important to…

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing a Not-At-Fault Collision Claim

not at fault collision claim

Experiencing perplexity, despair, and shock is persuasive in car accidents! Getting involved in a car collision, which isn’t your fault, may leave the driver questioning what steps to take following an accident. Although it might be hard to think straight, remember that your remarks and actions may significantly influence the likelihood of submitting a personal…

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