Top 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Suing for Car Accident Damages

suing after car accident

If you recently have been in a car accident in California, you have been dealing with difficult things.

Car accidents are bad news, especially when it is family involved. But there is another major thing you must deal with – paperwork, finding a good lawyer, and whatnot!

In the heat of the moment, people often overreact. This might lead to blunders that jeopardize their chances of getting what they deserve. Hence, it’s always in your best interest to hire the best personal injury attorney in Sacramento to assume all the stress of filing a lawsuit, allowing you to focus on other things.

While car accident cases are time-consuming and strenuous, they can also be emotionally taxing. Hence, you must take the necessary steps to streamline the process. So, in this blog, we have discussed 10 common mistakes you must avoid, at all costs, to ensure your lawsuit isn’t ruined or stated null and void.

Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Car Accident Lawsuit

Delaying Medical Attention

Most people often tend to neglect medical assistance. But an auto accident lawyer in Carmichael advises you never to underestimate your injuries. Even if the injuries are minor, ensure instant medical attention. Soft injuries like whiplash or internal damage may not manifest symptoms immediately.

Moreover, a doctor’s prescription or a discharge paper can be presented as strong evidence in your case. Failing to seek medical assistance may be detrimental to your health and weaken your case. So, ensure to visit a doctor once.

Not Gathering Evidence

You must gather evidence – it is one of the important factors that people often neglect or sometimes forget. But mind you, it helps in a successful personal injury claim. If you fail to collect the evidence at the accident scene, it might gravely undermine your case.

So, at the time of the accident, instead of panicking, capture the accident details. This must include signs and traffic lights in the area, road conditions, and pertinent signage. You must also note after-accident damages such as – debris, skid marks on the road, etc.

Also, don’t forget to note the contact information of the witnesses (if any). Also, exchanging information with the other party involved in the accident can prove beneficial when suing for a car accident.

Admitting Fault

Never admit the fault at the accident scene, even if you suspect you may have contributed to the accident. Some people panic and admit that the accident is their fault.

Consult an experienced auto accident attorney in Sacramento before making any statement. This is because anything you say can be used against you in court by the other party. Thus, stick to the facts while speaking with cops and the other driver.

Not Reporting the Accident

A police report is one of the most important pieces of evidence. They help your attorney to establish liability after an accident. The report consists of factual and informative data such as –

  • How it happened?
  • When did it happen?
  • Also, it contains contact information for the third party and the witnesses.

It attests to what happened, preventing the other driver or witness from making false allegations. Thus, it is advisable to always notify law enforcement of an accident.

Accepting a Quick Settlement

If you are involved in a car accident, then there might be chances of having high medical bills to be dealt with. Insurers usually offer quick settlements to reduce claims. They know that the accident victims are often stressed and might settle for less. So, they might offer you less than what your case deserves.

Always hire a competent car accident lawyer in Fair Oaks. They will review your case and claim based on all the necessary factors. Hence, we are ensuring you are fully compensated for your losses. Also, they might negotiate on your behalf.

Note: Accepting quick settlements without first speaking with an attorney is a hasty decision you might regret later.

Not Keeping Records

Record-keeping is one of the most important factors you should never forget. Keep all your records of any accident-related expenses, including –

  • Medical bills
  • Car repair receipts
  • Any other costs incurred from the accident

Note: Failure to retain these records may make it hard to quantify your damages when filing a claim.

Ignoring the Statute of Limitations

Every state follows a statute of limitations. It stipulates the timeframe to file a personal injury lawsuit. In California, you generally have two years from the accident date to file a claim.

However, while the duration varies from state to state, the court may dismiss your lawsuit if you miss the deadline. Thus, it’s important not to file your claim within the given period and proceed with your case quickly.

Disclosing Your Case on Social Media

Posting about your atrocities on social media might seem tempting. It might seem harmless, but mind you, sharing your car accident or injuries on social media could negatively affect your case. Insurance companies and opposing counsel often keep a close eye on social media.

Any photo, video, or comment related to the accident might be used against you. Therefore, avoiding disclosing your case or injuries online is advisable until it has been settled. Also, consult your car accident lawyer in Carmichael, CA, before posting anything that can be perceived as contradictory to your claims.

Not Seeking Legal Counsel

Trying to manage your personal injury claim without legal guidance can be an expensive error. Insurance firms use teams of adjusters and attorneys to reduce the compensation you deserve.
Hence, having an attorney on your side can level the playing field by assisting you with the claim. They will help you with the legal system’s intricacies and will also advocate for your rights.

Choosing the Wrong Attorney

Not all lawyers are equal or the best. Hence, hiring the wrong attorney may cost you a fortune. Also, it might hinder your odds of winning fair compensation. So, when choosing a lawyer, always consider their –

  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Specialization
  • Communication skills
  • Track record of success

It is important to hire only a qualified and knowledgeable attorney. It can make a huge difference in your case. They go above and beyond to get you the desired compensation.


It is advisable to avoid any mistakes mentioned above if you are involved in a car accident in California. Each of the mistakes can lead to a massive blunder – sometimes, it might even lead to claim rejection.

So, it is advisable to talk to an attorney before anything else. Before that, note all the essential details and gather evidence that might appear to fit. Also, do not forget to inform the local authorities. All these elements might seem small and like nothing. They can make or break your case.

Hire a Car Accident Attorney at Doyle O’Donnell

At Doyle O’Donnell, our car accident lawyer in Fair Oaks helps you with suing for car accident damages. Our car accident attorney helps you fight for your rightful compensation. Thus ensuring you get what you actually deserve.

Working with us means – no mistakes and a professional workflow. If you need help with your claim, contact Doyle O’Donnell, a car accident lawyer in Fair Oaks.